Survey Says, “Peace”

As we watch our daily news shows on tv and listen to the news as we ride down the road in our car one of the most talked about topics is politics. Everyone that is running for office is giving the reasons that you should vote for them and not for their opponent. The media is always giving us polls of who is ahead in their respective races and who has the best chance to win. If we were to take a poll today and ask the question, “What is the number one thing that is needed in our world today?” I believe the answer would be overwhelmingly “peace”. People on every hand are wanting peace in the world today. Peace for their country, peace in their families, and peace in their hearts. Over the next several weeks we will look at the answer book for all of life’s questions (the Bible) and see what it has to say about peace in these three areas and who can truly have peace in our world today.